Simply Renal
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Lecture Slides And Recording
Prof. Warrens requested his talk was only available to BL students, due to copyright protection of certain slide content. As such, the following recording link will only work for students with a QMPlus log-in. The access rights can play up, so if you have any issues, firslty, try logging-in to QMPlus first, then clicking the link. If that fails, please email us at [email protected]. Apologies for any inconvenience.
To access the slides, you will need to enter a password. This password is the name of the BLSA event held in St. Pauls at the end of the year (but with no capital letters and no spaces)
To access the slides, you will need to enter a password. This password is the name of the BLSA event held in St. Pauls at the end of the year (but with no capital letters and no spaces)
Also, unfortunately, the lapel mics were not working for the 2020 recording. As such, if you're having difficulty hearing the speech, you may prefer to watch the 2019 recording: